
Brand new Macaroni KID Winter Haven -Davenport Facebook page

Be sure to "like" us on Facebook

By Amanda Swank April 14, 2023

Hey locals! Amanda here. As you may know by now, I'm the brand new editor and publisher of Macaroni KID Winter Haven - Davenport. With that comes the responsibility of sharing as many events and as much information with you as I possibly can. One of the ways I will be doing so is via social media. There is a brand new Facebook page for the Winter Haven - Davenport Macaroni KID and I would love it if YOU would follow us there and share it with your friends!

We're on TikTok, too! If you are on that platform, we'd love a follow there.

What IS Macaroni KID? It's a hyper-local, FREE, weekly e-newsletter for parents. It highlights all of the amazing things going on in our community to entertain, stimulate, and exhaust your kiddos.

If you haven't signed up for the newsletter yet, you can do so here. Every Thursday morning, you'll receive the local e-newsletter complete with articles and events in the Winter Haven - Davenport - Auburndale areas.

I'll be planning some local events soon, as well, and hope to see many of you there! If there is certain information, or certain events, that you'd like to see happen, let me know! You can email me directly at